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Why are there no psychiatrists for dogs?
Everyone knows dogs aren't allowed on couches.
Why are twin doctors puzzling?
They are a paradox (pair of docs).
Why did the baker quit his job?
Because his work was so crummy (crumby).
Why did the baker stop baking bread?
Because he wasn't making enough dough.
Why did the baker stop making doughnuts?
Because he got tired of the whole (hole) thing.
Why did the cross-eyed teacher lose his job?
Because he couldn't control his pupils.
Why did the doctor keep his bandages in the refrigerator?
Because he wanted to use them for cold cuts.
Why did the girl who worked for the telephone company sing all the time?
Because she was an operetta (operator).
Why did the hippie become a coal miner?
Because he always said, "I dig."
Why did the lazy man want to work in the bakery?
Because he was a loafer.
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