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What does a farmer grow if he works hard enough?
What happened when the girl met the goat in the dairy?
The goat turned to butter (butt her).
What happens to a postman when he gets old?
He loses his zip.
What insect does a blacksmith make?
The firefly.
What is a tailor's son?
A son of a so-and-so (sew-and-sew).
What is a thirsty physician?
A dry dock (doc).
What is an astronomer?
A night watchman with a college education.
What is an expert on soda pop?
A fizzician (physician).
What is the difference between a blind man and a retired sailor?
The blind man cannot see to go, the retired sailor cannot go to sea.
What is the difference between a composer and a letter carrier?
One writes notes, the other delivers them.
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