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A police officer had a brother, but the brother had no brother. How could this be?
The police officer was a woman.
A policeman saw a truck driver going the wrong way down a one-way street, but didn't give him a ticket. Why not?
The truck driver was walking.
Can you spell jealousy with two letters?
NV (envy).
Did you hear about the hold-up in the yard?
Two clothespins held up a pair of pants.
For how long a period of time did Cain hate his brother?
As long as he was Abel (able).
How can you avoid falling hair?
Get out of the way.
How can you come face-to-face with a hungry, angry lion, dare him to fight, and still be unafraid?
Walk calmly to the next cage.
How can you jump off a 50-foot ladder without getting hurt?
Jump off the bottom rung.
How can you tell when a mummy is angry?
When he flips his lid.
How did the chimpanzee escape from his cage?
He used a monkey wrench.
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