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What looks like half a cat ?
The other half !
What happened when the cat ate a ball of wool ?
She had mittens !
What do you get if you cross a cat with a parrot ?
A carrot !
How do cats eat spaghetti ?
The same as everyone else - they put it in their mouths!
What is a French cat's favourite pudding ?
Chocolate mousse !
What do cat actors say on stage ?
Tabby or not tabby !
What did the cat say when he lost all his money ?
I'm paw !
How do you know if you cat's got a bad cold ?
He has cat-arrh !
How do you know if your cat has eaten a duckling ?
She's got that down in the mouth look !
What do you get if you cross a cat and a gorilla ?
An animal that puts you out a night !
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