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Reindeer Jokes !
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I can lift a reindeer with one hand
I bet you can't
Well you find me a reindeer with one hand and I'll lift it !
How many legs does a reindeer have ?
Six. Forelegs at the front and two at the back !
Whats the difference between a biscuit and a reindeer ?
You can't dunk a reindeer in your tea !
When should you feed reindeer milk to a baby ?
When it's a baby reindeer !
If a reindeer lost his tail, where would it go for a new one ?
A retail shop !
Why don't reindeer like penguins ?
They can't get the wrappers off !
Why do reindeer scratch themselves ?
Because they're the only ones who know where they itch !
What did the dog say to the reindeer ?
Woof, woof !
How is a reindeer like an apple ?
They're both green, except the reindeer !
What is the wettest animal ?
A rain-deer !
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