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Doctor Doctor I'm so ugly what can I do about it ?
Hire yourself out for Halloween parties !
Doctor, Doctor I'm a burglar !
Have you taken anything for it ?
Doctor, Doctor I'm becoming invisible.
Yes I can see you're not all there !
Doctor, Doctor I'm boiling up !
Just simmer down !
Doctor, Doctor I'm on a diet and it's making me irritable. Yesterday I bit someones ear off.
Oh dear, that's a lot of calories !
Doctor, doctor, I'm allergic to perfume.
I'll have you scent to a specialist.
Doctor, doctor, I'm allergic to snuff.
That complaint is not to be sneezed at.
Doctor, doctor, I'm allergic to the high jump.
Don't worry - you'll soon get over it.
Doctor, doctor, I'm always talking to myself.
I shouldn't worry about that. But I'm so boring!
Doctor, doctor, I'm at death's door.
Don't worry - I'll pull you through.
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